Event Details

The AmCham China Financial and Investment Forum is the first forum at AmCham that focuses on Financial Services and Insurance, Investment industry. The forum is co-hosted by AmCham China, Beijing Financial Street Service Center Co., Ltd, Beijing Financial Street Research Institute, which is also supported by China Association of Enterprises with Foreign Investment (CAEFI) , Beijing Financial Street Service Bureau, and Xicheng Park Management Committee of the Zhongguancun Science Park.

The purpose of this forum is to promote exchanges and cooperation between China and the United States in the field of finance and investment. AmCham members and renowned financial experts, scholars and investors from domestic and abroad are invited to discuss the latest trends in macroeconomics, investment strategies, risk management, as well as experiences and insights in fintech innovation, ESG, and financial market data security; to explore new opportunities for Sino - US financial cooperation to address global economic challenges.

We hope this forum will be a high-effective platform for all AmCham members, and provide the opportunity for developing more collaboration in the future.

Main Topics:

1. 2024 China Macroeconomic Analysis and Investment Outlook

2. Green Finance (ESG)

3. Cross-Border Payments and Data Governance


Financial Street Center

* This event will be conducted in Chinese.

* The agenda is subject to change.

For more information, please feel free to contact Ada Yang, ayang@amchamchina.org.

















1:30 PM - 2:00 PM
Forum Moderator: Yueqiu ZhouAcademic Committee Chairman, Beijing FinancialStreet Research Insti...
Forum Moderator: Yueqiu Zhou

Academic Committee Chairman, Beijing Financial
Street Research Institute

周月秋 北京金融街研究院学术委员会主任委员、中国工商银行原首席经济学家
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2:00 PM - 2:10 PM
Opening Remarks from the Organizer欢迎致辞
Hejun YuExecutive Director, Beijing Financial Street Research InstituteMichael HartPresident, A...
Hejun Yu
Executive Director, Beijing Financial Street Research Institute

Michael Hart
President, AmCham China

于合军 北京金融街研究院理事长、执行院长,北京金融街服务中心有限公司执行董事、总经理

Michael Hart 中国美国商会会长
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2:10 PM - 2:25 PM
Opening Remarks from Supporting Organizations支持单位领导致辞
Hongying Cao Executive Vice President, China Association of Enterprises with Foreign Investment...
Hongying Cao Executive Vice President, China Association of Enterprises with Foreign Investment

Hao Hu
Chairman, Academic Committee, Financial Street Forum
Junli Tian, Deputy District Mayor of the People's Government of Xicheng District, Beijing

曹宏瑛 中国外商投资企业协会、常务副会长
胡 浩 金融街论坛学术委员会主任委员、中国投资有限责任公司原监事长
田俊丽 北京市西城区人民政府副区长
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2:25 PM - 2:35 PM
Introduction of the National Financial Management Center介绍国家金融管理中心-北京金融街 – Beijing Financial Street
Wuxing LuDirector of Beijing Financial Street Service Bureau卢五星 北京金融街服务局局长...
Wuxing Lu
Director of Beijing Financial Street Service Bureau

卢五星 北京金融街服务局局长
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2:35 PM - 3:35 PM
Keynote Speech: 2024 Macroeconomic Outlook, Analysis of Investment Trends and Financial Cooperation Opportunities between China and the U.S.主旨演讲:2024宏观经济展望、投资趋势与中美金融合作
Kaisheng Yang Former President of Industrial and Commercial Bank of China (ICBC)Yansheng Zhang ...
Kaisheng Yang Former President of Industrial and Commercial Bank of China (ICBC)

Yansheng Zhang Chief Researcher, China Center for International Economic Exchanges (CCIEE)

Yao Lei Deputy Director of the Institute of Finance, People's Bank of China (PBOC)

Chao Chen
Deputy Secretary General, Financial Street Cooperative Development Council,
Director, China Investment Corporation Research Institute

杨凯生 中国工商银行原行长
张燕生 中国国际经济交流中心首席研究员
雷曜 中国人民银行金融研究所副所长
陈 超 金融街合作发展理事会副秘书长、中国投资有限责任公司研究院院长
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3:35 PM - 4:00 PM
Tea Break茶歇
4:00 PM - 4:45 PM
Roundtable Discussion I: Green finance (ESG)圆桌讨论:绿色金融(ESG)
Moderator:Erin Zhang Co-Chair of AmCham China Financial Services and Insurance Committee, Head ...
Erin Zhang Co-Chair of AmCham China Financial Services and Insurance Committee, Head of Government and Regulatory Affairs of Goldman Sachs China

Xianfeng Ma Chief Executive Officer of CCX

Naixiang Wang
Chairman, China Beijing Green Exchange

Ed Lee
Head of Greater China of Mastercard Data & Services

张 琳 中国美国商会金融服务与保险工作组主席,高盛中国 政府与监管事务部中国区主管,英国高盛国际银行无限责任公司北京代表处 首席代表

王乃祥 北京绿色交易所董事长
马险峰 中诚信投资集团首席执行官
李展宏 万事达卡数据与咨询服务部大中华区总经理
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4:45 PM - 5:30 PM
Roundtable Discussion II: Cross-border Payments and Data Governance 圆桌讨论二:跨境支付与数据治理
Moderator:Aibing DengSenior Researcher, Beijing Financial Street Research Institute,Former Gene...
Aibing Deng
Senior Researcher, Beijing Financial Street Research Institute,
Former General Manager, China Construction Bank Credit Management Department

Kenneth Zhou
Partner, WilmerHale LLP

Tao Yang
Deputy Director, National Institution for Finance and Development
Director, Payment Clearing Research Center

Hong Zhang
Vice President & Head of China Legal, PayPal

Zhenghua Zhang
Founder and CEO of UNPay Global

邓艾兵 北京金融街研究院高级研究员、中国建设银行信贷管理部原总经理

周汀 美国威凯平和而德律师事务所合伙人
杨 涛 国家金融与发展实验室副主任、支付清算研究中心主任
张 弘 PayPal贝宝中国区法务VP
章政华 UNPay创始人兼CEO
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5:30 PM - 6:30 PM
Cocktail Party 鸡尾酒会
致辞金 鑫 北京金融街服务局副局长、中关村西城园管委会主任马琼娜 中国美国商会副会长Xin Jin Jin Xin, Deputy Director of Beijing Financ...
金 鑫 北京金融街服务局副局长、中关村西城园管委会主任
马琼娜 中国美国商会副会长

Xin Jin Jin Xin, Deputy Director of Beijing Financial Street Service Bureau and Director of the Zhongguancun Xicheng Science Park Management Committee

Claire Ma Vice President of AmCham China
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AmCham Member
Standard Price RMB 500
Standard Price RMB 850


Financial Street Center

Beijing, China

If you have any questions please contact Ada Yang

Contact Organizer

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