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Module 1: to help managers understand the impact of emotion management
  • Based on the results of brain science research, help managers understand the impact of emotion on team management.
  • Through survey in class to know participants' ability to manage emotions
  • Discuss emotion management from 3 aspects and how they influence team work and performance.
  • Summary

Module 2: to help managers understand the characteristics of emotions and how these characteristics affect the team, and take effective measures in early time
  • Help managers know the origin of emotions in team members
  • Help managers correctly understand the definition of emotion based on the psychological theory "CCEA model of emotion"
  • Acknowledge 3 characters of team emotion management by video demonstration and analysis
  • Recognize and analysis 3 characters and then how to apply them into daily work to lead positive emotions in team management

Module 3: to help managers better adjust their emotions in management
  • Explain how managers can better identify their emotions in the process of managing the team, and assist managers to recognize emotions with practical methods.
  • Explain how to categorize their emotions REST model and help managers find personal approaches under the guide from the trainer.
  • 4A model to help managers analyze the reasons behind their negative emotions, and master the corresponding challenges.
  • Help managers adjust their emotions by watching real cases videos.

Module 4: practical methods for managers to promote team members positive emotions 
  • The analysis of two kinds of negative emotions among team members.
  • Help managers find specific ways to identify employees emotions.
  • Accept new but practical methods by video analysis and in-depth discussion
  • Through the in-depth analysis of the leadership to help managers fully recognize reasons behind the negative emotions of leading employees.
  • Through in-depth research and analysis to help managers develop their personal system of negative emotion management.

Module 5: experienced strategies for managers to adjust team emotions
  • Help managers obtain 4 methods inteam emotional fluctuations under in-depth study and discussions.
  • Avoid overall negative emotions in team and prevent from harmful results in term of the cases studies and other method delivery.
  • Help managers acknowledge the origin of negative emotional conflicts by compass model.
  • Deliver experienced methods to convert negative emotions to positive ones through the strategic compass model combined with videos.

Module 6: synthesis and summary
Lead managers to summarize and refine the methods and tools that can be directly applied in work flow.

This course will be conducted in Chinese. This is a 1-day course from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. that will be held in the AmCham China Conference Center. Coffee, lunch and light refreshments will be provided during breaks.

Special Registration Information: 
You must register in advance. Walk-ins will not be accepted. Attendees need to pay by Aug. 24, 2017. Limited spots are available and attendance is given on a first-come, first-served basis.