毕艾伦 (中国美国商会 会长)




毕艾伦先生曾经担任安永中国咨询服务业务的执行总监,帮助客户专注于创新的清洁技术解决方案, 解决中国日益增长的能源和环境的挑战。


在加入安永之前,毕艾伦先生先后在中国绿色科技、IBM 和管理咨询公司AT Kearney和PRTM 担任过管理职位。中国绿色科技,作为一个基于中国的服务于领先的国际能源和环境公司的商业合作平台,毕艾伦先生在其任职期间带领的咨询服务和战略研究覆盖了所有能源和清洁技术的主要领域包括可持续城镇化,能源价值链,可持续工业,绿色建筑和清洁运输。


方虹 (筑徳(北京)国际文化传播有限公司 董事)




詹姆斯菲利普 (Penrose Hill 首席执行官)


Penrose Hill首席执行官

Passionate about technology and the wine industry. Deep technical background, inventor of several patents with strong business and product experience. Currently Founder and CEO of Penrose Hill.

Previously Founding CEO of Lot18 and Snooth. Food and wine industry investor, with multiple successful exits. Raised over $50m in financing from investors including Accel, NEA and Softbank. Scaled companies to 100+ employees and tens of millions of dollars in revenue.

World traveler: Motorcycled around the world solo, raising money for Wine to Water, a water charity with projects in 15 countries. Climbed Mt Everest. Featured in two mountaineering documentaries. Certified Yachtmaster with over 10,000 nautical miles, including 5th place in a Trans-Atlantic race.

Perpetrator of the "Miracle Machine" campaign - an appliance that claimed to turn water into wine. Designed to raise awareness for Wine to Water. The Miracle Machine news went viral with over 500 million media impressions and over 500 media outlets around the world covering the story.

Named a Finalist in Ernst and Young's Entrepreneur of the Year, 2012. A "Top 100"​ person in New York Technology by Business Insider, a “Wine Influencer of Tomorrow” in Appellation America, and a "Person to Watch in Silicon Alley"​ by Crains. Recipient of honors for entrepreneurism including the Columbia Venture Community "30"​ and the NY Venture Fellows award. Awarded the O1 (Alien of Extraordinary Ability) Visa, for "Extraordinary Ability in Digital Media". Member of the NYC Metro Chapter of the Young Presidents Organization. Awarded the InfoCommerce Model of Excellence Award.

Profiled in several books: Growth in a Difficult Decade published by Regus; Rock and Vine by Chelsea Prince. Given hundreds of press interviews, featured in most major media outlets. Frequent public speaker at events worldwide. Guest speaker at both NYU and Columbia MBA classes: speaking on entrepreneurship, new product development, marketing and leadership.