Em Roblin

Em Roblin

Em has been based in Beijing for a decade and has been working regionally in Asia since she founded LEAP in 2010. Em is focused on developing female leaders. She works with organizations by creating meaningful learning journeys for women and by partnering with executives to drive change and create more inclusive environments. Em has worked with Fortune 500 companies from a range of industries including technology, manufacturing, pharmaceutical, consumer products, financial services and more. She has a strategic alliance with a US-based management consulting firm and collaborates on global D&I projects with leading companies.
Em also works with professional women outside of organizations through her quickly growing peer coaching program, where she is the creator and cofounder, The Fulfilled Self. This initiative attracts achievement oriented professional women who want to maximize their impact and be their best selves.
She has been invited as a guest lecturer at several notable universities including Peking University, Tsinghua University, Cheung Kong Graduate School of Business, INSEAD, and was recipient of the Ernst & Young Women in Business Inspiration Leadership Award in 2011. She is Canadian, with an MPA from Ryerson University and a BAH in Education and Mathematics from Queen's University.