

长期以来,房地产和基础设施投资一直是中国GDP增长的主要引擎之一。《2024 年亚太地区房地产新兴趋势》不仅洞察了居民、商业和工业各类房地产市场的主要趋势,也着重分析了它们在如何反映其他各行各业的经济表现和增长前景。

在此背景下,中国美国商会(AmCham China)城市土地学会(ULI)将特别邀请来自国际关系和贸易、房地产行业、制造业等产业和投资领域的嘉宾同会员一道对中国的相关的宏观经济以及同房地产和基础设施相关的产业经济表现进行讨论,展望根据最新的中国中央经济工作会议的判断和部署、以及外部地缘和国际政治经济环境下的2024年中国经济。通过演讲、报告和讨论,着重关注的问题将包括:

  • 在降低房地产行业风险的同时,将房地产领域的投资专注引入各类产业实体经济基础设施,升级国内制造业经济并加强供应链的韧性将如何有助于实现中国的产业政策和经济发展目标?
  • 中国国内产业链地产资产的投资与获益于"中国+1"的东南亚国家产业链地产增长、以及中国在"一带一路"沿线市场的资产投入如何相互影响和融合?
  • 实现产业实体经济行业的稳增长如何能够为住房和商业领域的居民消费和房地产市场重新注入活力和信心?


  1. 活动语言为英文
  2. 在活动开始前的72小时内,将无法退票退款。


15:00 - 15:10
15:10 - 15:15
15:15 - 15:45
15:45 - 16:05
16:05 - 16:50
16:50 - 17:00


  • Alan Beebe (Chief Executive Officer, ULI Asia Pacific)

    Alan Beebe

    Chief Executive Officer, ULI Asia Pacific

  • Michael Hart (President, AmCham China)

    Michael Hart

    President, AmCham China

  • Hans Kang (CEO, CBC HIP)

    Hans Kang


  • Shirley Shao (Acting Executive Director, ULI China)

    Shirley Shao

    Acting Executive Director, ULI China

  • Travis Tanner (President, GreenPoint Group)

    Travis Tanner

    President, GreenPoint Group

    Travis N. Tanner is the Beijing-based President of GreenPoint Group. Mr. Tanner assists clients based on two decades of experience conducting research and analysis, briefing policymakers, directing programs, and building bridges between Chinese and U.S. government, corporate, academic, and non-profit communities.

    Previously Mr. Tanner served as President of the U.S.-China Strong Foundation, an offshoot of the Obama administration’s “100,000 Strong Initiative,” a public-private partnership designed to equip the future generation of leaders with the knowledge and skills to engage productively with China. Mr. Tanner established and directed the Foundation’s operations in China and drove engagement with key stakeholders and partners including Chinese and U.S. government officials, business leaders, academic institutions, media outlets, philanthropists, and students.

    Mr. Tanner worked for over a dozen years in the think tank industry conducting research projects examining a wide range of policy issues facing the U.S.-China relationship, including China’s intellectual property, technology standards and innovation policy, China’s military development, and U.S.-China people-to-people exchange. He previously served as Senior Project Director at The National Bureau of Asian Research (NBR) and Director of NBR’s Kenneth B. and Anne H.H. Pyle Center for Northeast Asian Studies. He was Deputy Director and Assistant Director of the Chinese Studies Program at the Center for the National Interest (formerly the Nixon Center) in Washington, D.C. He also worked as a Research Assistant at the Peterson Institute for International Economics.

    Mr. Tanner is the author, contributing author, or co-editor of numerous publications on the strategic, economic and political dimensions of the U.S.-China relationship, including co-editor of five volumes of NBR’s Strategic Asia series and U.S.-China Relations in Strategic Domains (Routledge, 2020). Mr. Tanner has also been featured in major media outlets in the U.S. and China.

    Mr. Tanner is the recipient of the Doak A. Barnett and Hassenfeld Fellowships and received his M.A. in International Relations from the Johns Hopkins University – SAIS and the Hopkins-Nanjing Center and his B.A. in Chinese language and literature from the University of Utah. Mr. Tanner is Senior Advisor to NBR, a Tsinghua University Schwarzman College Industry Mentor, and member of the National Committee on U.S.-China Relations. He has also served as a leader in the Boy Scouts of America for over 20 years.

    Mr. Tanner is fluent in Portuguese and Mandarin Chinese. He and his wife, Amy, and three of their four children, Zachary, Josephine, and Vivian enjoy living in Beijing.

  • Tim Wang (Co-President of Logistics and Industrial Real Estate, GLP China)

    Tim Wang

    Co-President of Logistics and Industrial Real Estate, GLP China

  • Robert Xiao (Director, Economist Intelligence Corporate Network)

    Robert Xiao

    Director, Economist Intelligence Corporate Network

    Robert Xiao is the Director of the Economist Intelligence Corporate Network (EICN) in Beijing. He is responsible for
    engaging in high-level dialogues with business and political leaders, providing insights on global macroeconomic trends
    and policy directions for Fortune 500 decision-makers to support their macro layout and business development in domestic and international markets.
    Prior to joining the EICN, Mr Xiao held positions as a lecturer, senior lecturer, PhD supervisor, and Deputy Director of the Impact Finance Hub at Monash University and Deakin Business School in Australia. His research mainly focused on the fields of corporate social responsibility, corporate governance, and economic and financial policy analysis related to the Chinese and US markets. He has authored multiple publications in Financial Times Top 50 Journals and been awarded major research grants jointly by the Academy of Social Sciences in Australia and Chinese Academy of Social Science.
    As an educator at heart, Mr Xiao has always maintained a passion for tertiary teaching. He has more than a decade of experience teaching business courses, including Master of Business Administration (MBA), Master of Finance, and Bachelor of Commerce programmes at leading universities.
    Mr Xiao obtained his Ph.D. in Finance from Monash University and graduated with honours (B.Com. Hons) from Monash Business School in 2008 as the highest-achieving student in his cohort. He has won multiple awards from Australian universities, including the Australian Postgraduate Awards granted by the Australian Federal Government.



AmCham China Members
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