
This webinar will be conducted in English. Microsoft Teams (web or app) is required to access this webinar.

The spring allergy season kicked off early this year, with symptoms such as coughing and sniffling bringing unwanted attention to those affected by the abundance of tree pollen.

And unfortunately, this year's season coincides with the coronavirus outbreak. With the public already on edge about COVID-19, those with seasonal allergies (aka, allergic rhinitis or hay fever), may have a particularly tough time distinguishing their allergy symptoms from a possible coronavirus infection. That is because, much like cold and flu symptoms, signs you are suffering from seasonal allergies can seem very similar to those of COVID-19.

Dr. Changizi Roo from Beijing United Family Hospital will help you to differentiate between coronavirus and seasonal allergies, and to better understand the top 4 concerned issues on seasonal allergies:

  1. Is there a test for seasonal allergies?
  2. How are seasonal allergies treated?
  3. What are the symptoms of seasonal allergies?
  4. Can seasonal allergy symptoms be prevented?

We will also give you a very short introduction about AmCham China's three tailored medical plans for all members:

  1. ยท Worldwide
  2. ยท Worldwide (US emergency only)
  3. ยท Mainland China

๐Ÿ‘† Click each plan to learn more!


3:00 PM - 3:45 PM
3:45 PM - 4:00 PM


  • Dr. Changizi Roo (Chair of the Center for Family Medicine and Integrative Health Care,Family Medicine Physician at Beijing United Family Hospital)

    Dr. Changizi Roo

    Chair of the Center for Family Medicine and Integrative Health Care,Family Medicine Physician at Beijing United Family Hospital

    Dr. Changizi is licensed with the Medical Council of Canada and is board-certified by the College of Family Physicians of Canada, a member of the Quebec Medical Association. He is a frequent invited lecturer at Peking University and Tsinghua University, addressing issues on medical ethics, work/life balance, substance abuse, and gender equality.
    Dr. Changizi has more than 20 years of experience in the fields of Family Medicine, Emergency Medicine, and Public Health. He has participated in international medical disaster relief activities in China and Latin America and is an active United Nations physician and consultant on pandemic outbreaks. For more than ten years, Dr. Changizi served as Chair of the United Family Healthcare Department of Infection Control. Currently, he is the Chair of Beijing United Family Hospital’s Center for Family Medicine and Integrative Healthcare.
    He co-authored a chapter for the China CDC’s 2018 Travel Yellow Book.

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The Sign-in Link will be sent on May 19.
Beijing, Chaoyang District, China

If you have any questions please contact Ning Ding

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