Event Details

Put A Fling on It: Sports Committee Frisbee Day Event

Interested in Sports and want to have some weekend fun time outdoor? AmCham China is pleased to invite you to join us on Saturday June 18 to the Sports Committee Frisbee Day Event!

This event will invite 2 professional coaches to teach you how to play frisbee, followed by a friendly match and relaxing body stretching.

Come to have fun, make friends and spread good energies in this beautiful summer time!

This event will be held from 2 to 4 PM at Jangfu Park, Chaoyang. Ffit8 will provide protein bars to fuel up the energy, and each attendee from the winner team will receive a free MLB hat! We will also have a professional photographer Yu Zhou to record the event, so remember to bring out big smiles!





2:00 PM - 2:10 PM
2:10 PM - 2:30 PM
2:30 PM - 3:50 PM
Frisbee time!
3:50 PM - 4:00 PM


  • Chris Chen (Coach at SpaceCycle)

    Chris Chen

    Coach at SpaceCycle


    多年的教练生涯中,Chris不断进取,并获得了多项国际认证,包括且不限:Nsca-Cpt 国际认证,TRX / BOSU等小工具认证,另外还有Les Mills体系多项认证。

    保持专业度的同时,Chris也在不断分享着他的运动理念,与多家企业例如Mercedes Benz,Ffit 8运动轻食,Volkswagen等保持合作,带动更多人群体会运动的快乐。

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  • Aiden Liu (Master Trainer at Hilefit)

    Aiden Liu

    Master Trainer at Hilefit

    Aiden是一名职业体能训练师,目前在LeFit和ARCA( Aisa Rehabilitation & Conditioning Academy) 从事教练选拔和培训工作。在运动领域从业7年,客户包括职业、半职业运动员以及14-60岁的大众健身客户。

    Aiden拥有经济硕士学位,巴西柔术蓝带,持有CSCS认证、CrossFit L1、ACE-CPT、ACSM-CPT以及Lesmills认证。

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General Entry
Standard Price RMB 150



Chaoyang, Beijing, China

If you have any questions please contact Dandan Li

Contact Organizer

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