Event Details

*Please note that this training will be conducted in Chinese*

You will learn....

1. Understand speech building thought, master practical skills in content construction and on-site presentation, to improve speech ability comprehensively

2. Master impromptu thinking and communication skills to improve the on-the-spot ability

3. Attached a tutor's comment (lecture assignments or your own case), to help further improvement with targeted counseling

Please note that this training will be condcuted on Apr.20 and Apr.27 with 2 Live Sessions and Exercise.

Live Session I:Build a powerful speech(3hr)

Strategic thinking (Prepare specifically)

1. Prepare with strategy:MIT list

2. Relationship of theme, content and object.

3. The awareness of the core point, refining sub points

Practical skills(Build the framework)

1. Design the framework map with speech objectives

2. Design method of energy construction: time sequence, golden circle structure, problem solution, feature-scene-benefit;

3. Design the opening and ending : ABCD list and cross list

4. Arrange the vertical order: fact-concept, known-unknown, familiar-unfamiliar

Tools(Grasp the MOT moment)

1. Presentation design: shaping personal speech style;

2. Use your story: three typical story models, the five key points in using stories;

3. How to create a live atmosphere

Impromptu thinking (Respond to the challenging questions)

1. LEVER listening rule on how to deal with challenging questions;

2. OREO expression structure model on how to respond effectively;

3. PRS rule on how to face challenging questions

Exercise: Reference topic or Personal choice. Submit the recorded video to get the instructor's comments and promotion suggestions

Live Session II:Feedback & on-the-spot communication skills(3hr)

Q&A,comments and answers to common challenges

1. QA,personalized feedback

2. Comments and answers to common challenges

Communication skills (Emotion control and conflict management in communication)

1. Identify emotions and predict other's emotions;

2. GPS communication strategy in facing conflict;

3. How to express quickly and accurately in communication;

4. Yes and method to achieve mutual goals;






直播课 I:打造优秀演讲(3小时)

战略思考 (如何有针对性地准备)

1. 准备演讲的战略的MIT清单及关系

2. 打磨主题,内容,对象三者的关系设置;

3. 主题意识、提炼分要点


1. 服务于演讲目标的框架地图设计

2. 模块势能营造的设计法:重要性层层递进,时间顺序,黄金圈结构,问题解决方案型,特色-场景-利益型;

3. 开场和结尾设计:开场的ABCD清单、结尾设计的十字架清单;

4. 如何布局纵向顺序:事实-概念,概念-事实,已知-未知,熟悉-陌生


1. 呈现设计:个人演讲风格的塑造;

2. 使用职场故事:三个典型的故事模型,如何使用五个故事的要点;

3. 如何打造现场听众体验


1. 如何有效应对挑战性提问的LEVER倾听法则;

2. 如何有效回应的OREO表达结构模型;

3. 如何从容应对挑战性提问的PRS法则


直播II:实战点评反馈& 临场沟通技巧(3小时)


1. 学员作业点评,提供个性化反馈 ;

2. 挑选共性问题讲解

沟通技巧 (如何在沟通中做好情绪控制及冲突管理)

1. 效识别对方情绪的方法,预判对方情绪的方法;

2. 面对冲突的GPS沟通策略;

3. 如何在沟通中快速,准确的表达;

4. 如何训练达成沟通目标的yes and 方法


  • 刘思玥 Allen (演讲教练、商务英语高级讲师 at Eddic)

    刘思玥 Allen

    演讲教练、商务英语高级讲师 at Eddic

    他的培训经验非常丰富,曾经多次对国企、外企、私企的基层员工、管理层进行职场演讲、汇报、沟通表达培训、教练和辅导,并受到了一致的好评 。他也曾就职于华为,中兴通讯,EMC,戴尔,宏利金融。
     《技术达人演讲与表达必备的九项技能》
     《高效商务演讲的七项修炼》
     《高效商务英文演讲与表达》
     《高效商务邮件写作》
     《汇报的逻辑思维》
     《商务英语系列》
     《面试技巧》
     《竞聘演讲》
     世界五百强外企 ANZ 澳新银行成都 Hub 、 仲量联行( JLL )、 马 士基( Maersk )航运公司成都分公司、丹马士( Damco )航运公司成都分公司、欧盟商会成都分会 重庆分会 、 诺基亚成都研发中心 、 Allianz 安联保险成都公司
     国企 长虹电器、首创地产、 中电十所 、 西南核工业、一汽物流、长江电力集团,中石化、东方电气国际人才 发展项目
     知名民企 腾讯、智胜西行等企业

    view more

Cancellation Policy

If you cannot attend a training for which you have registered, please cancel your registration no later than FIVE business days prior to the training. If you fail to notify AmCham China of your cancellation in a timely fashion, you will be charged for training costs. To cancel please email lyuan@amchamchina.org. Your cooperation in this matter supports AmCham China in maintaining the quality of its trainings and is appreciated by your fellow members and the organization.




Standard Price RMB 2,350


Standard Price RMB 2,650
Standard Price RMB 2,150