While AmCham China represents the largest foreign business community in China, our Human Resources Forum is the only one amongst our 30+ forums and committees that has successfully carried on a strong membership with professional mindshare activities for over 20 years!
We would like to invite all of our members, whether or not you are an HR professional, to join us for a Cocktail Reception to recognize the 20 years of success of our HR Forum building a professional community at the 20th AmCham China Annual HR Conference. The reception is open to all members, and will be held 4:30-6:30pm, this Friday, June 28 at the Kempinski Hotel. The reception will take place immediately following the whole-day HR Conference.
In addition to networking with our members who are corporate HR leaders, services and education professionals, we would like to welcome all of our member business leaders from all different industries, especially those who are our Forum and Committee leaders, to join and learn from our HR Forum about their paths to success and experience as a working group at AmCham China and recognize their contribution to the foreign business community.
Look forward to seeing you on Friday!
Note: HR Conference attendees will get in the cocktail reception for no additional cost. For those who are not able to participate in the HR Conference, there will be a cost-cover charge to join the reception.