
All AmCham China members interested in policy updates regarding the Hainan Free Trade Port are cordially invited to join an online briefing with the Hainan International Economic Development Bureau (IEDB, 海南国际经济发展局) on Friday, June 12, from 10:00 AM to 11:30 AM via Microsoft Teams.

On Monday, June 1, the central government released a "master plan" for the Hainan Free Trade Port. Director General Han Shengjian (韩圣健)​ of the Hainan International Economic Development Bureau, will brief members on the latest details and interpretation of the Plan, and answer member questions regarding doing business in Hainan.

This event is a great opportunity for members to discover potential investment opportunities in Hainan and engage with the local government just as the Hainan FTZ policies are being renewed.

This is a member-only event. Please register by Thursday, June 11, 3:00 PM. Conference access information will be shared with all attendees by COB the same day. If you have any questions, please contact cma@amchamchina.org.


10:00 AM - 10:05 AM
Introduction from President Alan Beebe
10:05 AM - 10:35 AM
Policy updates from Director of General Han Shengjian
10:35 AM - 11:30 AM


  • Greg Gilligan (Chairman at AmCham China)

    Greg Gilligan

    Chairman at AmCham China

    Greg Gilligan is currently serving as the 2020 Chairman of AmCham China. Previously, Mr. Gilligan served as Chairman previously in 2013 and as an elected officer of AmCham China for four consecutive terms from 2011 – 2014.

    In addition to his role as Chairman, Mr. Gilligan is the Vice President and PGA Tour China Managing Director. He joined the PGA TOUR in late 2013 and serves as the lead executive in China.

    Prior to the PGA TOUR Mr. Gilligan was the Managing Director of APCO Worldwide’s Beijing office. He joined APCO after serving as General Manager of Corporate Affairs for McDonald’s (China) Co., Ltd., where he developed and executed strategies to enhance McDonald's brand and corporate image among China’s regulatory bodies, consumers and other key stakeholders. Prior to that role he served as McDonald’s China’s General Manager for Southeast China.

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  • Shengjian Han (Director of General at Hainan International Economic Development Bureau)

    Shengjian Han

    Director of General at Hainan International Economic Development Bureau




    1990.09—1994.07 上海对外贸易学院外贸英语专业学生
    1994.07—1999.07 中国南光进出口总公司职员、经理、部门助理总经理
    1999.07—2001.08 中国驻斯里兰卡使馆经商处三等秘书
    2001.10—2005.07 中国机电产品进出口商会办公室干部
    2005.07—2007.09 中国机电产品进出口商会综合部副主任(副处级)
    2007.09—2011.08 中国机电产品进出口商会成套工程部主任(正处级)(其间:2006.09—2010.09,北京大学国家发展研究院工商管理专业在职硕士研究生)
    2011.08—2012.08 中国机电产品进出口商会培训处主任
    2012.08—2016.01 商务部外贸发展局副局长(副司级)
    2016.01—2017.05 绵阳市人民政府副市长(挂职)

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AmCham China Cardholding Members
Member Price RMB 100
Employee of Member Companies
Standard Price RMB 100


Online via Microsoft Teams


If you have any questions please contact Chloe Ma

Contact Organizer

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