Leader As Coach

Please note that this course will be conducted in Chinese & English.


Whether at work or at home, as a team leader with limited resources, it is not easy to consistently motivate others to work together to achieve team goals. Especially with more and more post-90s people entering the workplace, relying solely on traditional authoritative leadership can no longer adapt to the current challenges.


《Leader As Coach》 course is an art of leadership that many leaders of Fortune 500 companies are learning today. At the heart of the course is a combination of the philosophy of coaching and the practice of leadership, where coaching helps people gain insight into their own patterns of thinking and behavior. Relying on deep listening and strong questioning helps the coaches to reflect and explore their own potential, stimulating them to find their own answers. The empowered leader brings the coaching thinking and skills into the dialogue with the team effectively. What he brings to the team is not the answer, but how to arouse the team's thinking through effective questioning, stimulate their internal motivation, and realize the vision and goal together.


That's why management guru Peter Drucker once said that while the leader of the past was a "talker," the leader of the future should be an "asker." During the course, through deep self-awareness, while realizing my own pattern, I'll change my communication mode and begin to pay attention to the inner nature of others. Through deeper listening and questioning, I could improve the relationship and achieve effective motivation while solving problems.


Event Details

  • Event format: In-Person, at AmCham China Office (Room: 5C, WeWork)
  • Time & Date: 1:45 PM to 5:00 PM, July 17, 2024
  • Language: Chinese & English
  • Contact: Melody Wen, mwen@amchamchina.org

*Please ensure that registration and payment are completed prior to July 16. Walk-in registrations will not be accepted.

*Please use your company email address to register.

Target Audiences 适合人群

A team leader or an individual who wants to develop leadership


Course Objectives 课程目标

  • Understand the characteristics of leadership in the new era
  • Understand the essence of being an empowered leader
  • Master the communication model between empowered leaders and their subordinates
  • 了解新时代的领导力需要具备的特征
  • 了解成为赋能型领导的本质
  • 掌握赋能型领导者与下属的沟通模型

Course Content 课程内容

This course is a half-day training consisting of the following modules:

  • The challenge of leadership in the new era
  • What does it mean to be an empowered leader? Empowered Leader - Leadership upgrades iterate new roles
  • How to effectively motivate subordinates?
  • Course Summary

本课程为期半天, 包括以下模块:

  • 新时代领导力的挑战
  • 成为赋能领导者意味着什么?赋能型领导者—领导力的升级迭代新角色
  • 如何有效激励下属?
  • 总结


1:45 PM - 2:00 PM
2:00 PM - 4:45 PM
Training Session
4:45 PM - 5:00 PM

Cancellation Policy

If you cannot attend a training for which you have registered, please cancel your registration no later than five business days prior to the training. If you fail to notify AmCham China of your cancellation in a timely fashion, you will be charged for training costs. To cancel you can email mwen@amchamchina.org. Your cooperation in this matter supports AmCham China in maintaining the quality of its trainings and is appreciated by your fellow members and the organization.


  • Lin Gao (CEO/Executive Coach/ Trainer/ Writer of 有意思教练)

    Lin Gao

    CEO/Executive Coach/ Trainer/ Writer of 有意思教练

    Lin has over 20 years' experience with Fortune 500 companies both in China and the U.S. across the areas of government affairs, IT, supply chain and marketing. She held the position of senior director of Global Government Affairs at Motorola Solutions China, and was responsible for managing relationship with various government bodies and trade associations for business advocacy. She was also responsible for corporate governance across Asia Pacific.

    As an active member of the community, Lin has been serving on the board of American Chamber of Commerce since 2013 and is the first Chinese woman holding the vice chair role. Lin gives back to the society by advising a number of domestic and international NGOs including U.S. China Strong Foundation. She is also a mentor for Tsinghua Schwartzman program.

    Lin held a Doctor of Business Administration (DBA) degree from Nottingham Trent University and an MBA from University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.

    As a certified Marshall Goldsmith leadership coach and Erickson professional coach, Lin helps executives to further improve their leadership and communication skills. Lin is also a sought-after MC, trainer, column writer and speaker in cross cultural business communication, influencing, women leadership, government relations and strategic philanthropy.



    作为多篇10万+作者,她著有豆瓣评分8.2的职场红宝书《职得》,为广大奋斗不息纠结不止的职场白领提供有价值的职场干货和一套切实有效的自我教练工具。她和先生Hubert Lin合著的新书《故事力:用故事决胜人生关键时刻》已经在2020年4月由中信出版社出版。《不被定义》已于2023年年底出版,成为女性励志榜榜首。


    高琳拥有英国的诺丁汉商学院工商管理学博士(DBA)和美国伊利诺伊大学香槟校区MBA学位,这为她的课程打下了扎实的理论。她深信帮助别人也是个专业活,需要专业的知识。她从师全球最贵的领导力教练-美国马歇尔·戈得史密斯(Marshall Goldsmith) 和影响力大师罗伯特西奥迪尼(Robert Cialdini)。作为加拿大埃里克森学院认证教练,国际六秒钟情商认证教练,国际教练联盟(ICF)成员,她希望能够将专业的教练技术带入到她的文字,课程和演讲中,为学员的外在成长和内在探索赋能。



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  • Lily Wang (Leadership Coach at 有意思教练)

    Lily Wang

    Leadership Coach at 有意思教练

    Lily Wang is a leadership coach. She specialize in leadership training and has PCC professional certification from the ICF(International Coaching Federation). She has accumulated 500+ hours of executive coaching and 300+ hours of training, and has also worked as a part-time senior internal trainer in the enterprise.

    Lily Wang holds a bachelor's degree in Marketing from Xi 'an Jiaotong University and an MBA from Peking University. 23 years of working experience, mainly in FMCG and Retail industry of foreign companies. She has worked in Colgate, L 'Oreal, Coca-Cola and Nestle for many years. With many years of team experience, she has cultivated a number of outstanding talents in the industry.

    Lily's training style is real, professional, interesting and practical. She is good at stimulating students' learning enthusiasm and intrinsic motivation, focusing on cultivating students' innovative thinking and problem-solving ability, and can combine actual combat with the use of coaches and guidance, so that students can feel in the experience and think in the inspiration.




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Cardholding Member Ticket

Please register and pay before July 16.

Member Price RMB 900
Employee of Member Company

Please register and pay before July 16.

Standard Price RMB 900

Please register and pay before July 16.

Standard Price RMB 1,200


AmCham China Office (Room TBD)

3F, East Gate 1, Pacific Century Place, 2A Workers' Stadium North Road

Beijing, Chaoyang District, China

If you have any questions please contact

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