Event Details


This online training will be conducted in Chinese.

[Course Background]

In today's organizations, the structure has changed dramatically, most management positions, technical positions and professional positions are closely related, work development, workflow, customer service, etc. increasingly need multi-party collaboration, multi-party support in order to effectively achieve good results. However, due to the different aura of people, different relationships, and trust, this diversity and dependence leads to a lot of barriers. More and more, we need to influence others without authority.

How many of us feel powerless to do so? Here are some of the challenges we face:

  1. Decisions and plans are not implemented effectively because we don't have the authority to push them through.
  2. Need to get support/approval/commitment from outside the team, customers or senior leaders, but can't convince and stagnate;
  3. Want to get a customer who has been following up for a long time to place an order quickly, but repeated attempts end in failure;
  4. Good ideas that are valuable to the company cannot be implemented because the collaborators do not understand them.

Do you use a strong aura to force others to do what you want, or do you keep lowering your own bottom line? Or is there a better way between the two?

The better way is a win-win situation! Both change the behavior of others and achieve your goals. Behaviorists and management practitioners have discovered a power that can change anything - non-authoritarian strategic influence! Comprehensively improve your influence from the inside out!

【Applicable Targets】

Enterprise managers

【Benefits of the Course】

  • Effectively influence supervisors, colleagues and customers in non-authoritarian situations, focusing on winning the support of others to ultimately achieve their goals.
  • Completely change the practice of unilateral persuasion, learn to determine the position of different stakeholders, attract the attention of others, and implement effective strategies.
  • To win the support of others in order to reach the goal, and to reach consensus in a silent way.
  • Recognize the influence of individuals on their own success and the success of others by strengthening interpersonal relationships at work.
  • Improve work performance, so that the implementation of work tasks with half the effort.

【Course Outline】

Part I, activation: power and influence

  1. the introduction of the course arrangements and learning rules (lecture)
  2. The teacher trust establishment (small interactive)
  3. Are you a person of influence? What does it look like when you unleash your influence? (Seminar)
  4. Influence analysis, two powerful grips authority and non-authority (lecture)
  5. Four elements of non-authoritarian influence (lecture)
  • Influence program
  • Emotional influence
  • Communication influence
  • Strategy influence

Part II, elements of influence - influence program

  1. Case: a failed influence play
  2. Determine the target of influence
  3. Stakeholder influence (seminar)
  4. Finding key stakeholders (tool exercise)
  5. The target's position and my expectations (lecture, exercise)
  6. Do you understand influencing the target person? (Lecture, exercise)
  7. Tool: Influence Planner 1 (exercise)

Part III, elements of influence - emotional influence

  1. Emotions drive people, emotions influence people (explain)
  2. In the face of emotional conflict, a sentence to turn the scene (lecture, practice)
  3. Don't let bad emotions screw up the influence to play (VET tool practice)

Part IV, elements of influence - communication influence

  1. Understanding interpersonal communication styles (lecture, small interaction)
  2. four style characteristics (explain)
  3. Understanding your own style (explanation, judgment)
  4. Understanding others' styles (game)
  5. How to influence people with different styles
  6. Analyzing cases and your own target influencing people styles (explanation, case study, tool practice)
  7. Tools: influence schedule 2 (practice)

Part V, elements of influence - strategy influence

1. Seven strategies (explanation, discussion, practice)Advocate benefits

  • Encourage experiences
  • Collect evidence
  • Build contacts
  • Involve third parties
  • Consider environmental factors
  • Plan small victories

2. Recommendations for action

3. Tool: Impact Planner 3 (exercise)

Part VI. Review and Action

1. Knowledge review

2. Recommendations for action

Training Details:

  • Platform: Microsoft Teams
  • Time: 9 AM to 4 PM, March 18
  • Language: Chinese
  • Contract Person: Christine Chen (Christine.Chen@amchamChina.org)


  • 王磊 (金牌讲师 at Eddic)


    金牌讲师 at Eddic

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    • 美国睿智咨询DDI认证FCP国际专业讲师
    • 国际绩效改进协会(ISPI)敏捷绩效提升工作坊专家
    • AMA行动学习授证催化师、引导师
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    • 京东科技集团 企业大学首任校长/总监
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    • 数十家知名咨询机构合作资深讲师。任中欧在线、凯洛格、DDI、易迪斯、HROOT、HREC、中国培训杂志等机构资深合作讲师;中国企业人才发展智库特聘顾问、智享会特聘企业人才发展家。《培训》杂志特约专栏作者、全国培训经理训练营导师等。
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    鸣, 觉察问题的根本,找到有效解决思路。

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Standard Price RMB 8,000