
**Please note that this training will be conducted in Chinese**




权威的研究和咨询机构高德纳(Gartner)指出,具有高度多样性和包容性的团队表现出更好的适应力、工作满意度、创造力和对组织的忠诚度。包容是一条双向的道路: 每个人都有权享受包容的工作环境,并有责任创造这样的环境。克服无意识的偏见是建立包容性团队的关键,它要求团队成员具有深刻的自我意识,承认无意识偏见,理解偏见背后的科学,并制定减轻偏见的策略来解决问题。本课程旨在帮助人们打破无意识偏见,认识到不同个体的优势,重视同事的独特贡献,并共同努力建设包容型的跨文化团队。




人力资源负责人、DEI 负责人、OD 专家,多元化团队的领导者及成员,各级管理者,需要提升领导力和职业发展的人士。



1. What is unconscious bias? 什么是无意识偏见?

2. We all have unconscious bias 我们都存在无意识偏见

  • Affinity bias 亲和偏见
  • Gender bias 性别偏见
  • Confirmation bias 印证偏见
  • Cultural bias 文化偏见
  • Self-serving bias 自我服务偏见

3. The science behind bias 偏见背后的科学

4. How biases can influence individual development and team work? 偏见如何影响个人发展与团队合作?

5. Five-step strategy to manage unconscious biases 偏见管理五步工具

  • Be conscious of unconscious biases 觉察偏见
  • Appreciate differences 欣赏差异
  • Break stereotypes 打破刻板印象
  • Gather feedback 收集反馈
  • Build reflection habit 培养反思习惯
  • One golden principle 一个黄金准则

6. Review 回顾

7. Moving from awareness to action 从意识到行动

8. Q&A 答疑


  • 授课方式: 线下面授
  • 授课地点: 中国美国商会办公室
  • 时间和日期: 13:30-16:30,2024年9月26日
  • 培训语言: 中文
  • 联系方式:Melody Wen,
  • 其他:请使用公司邮箱注册报名,报名者请于9月25日前完成支付




  • Mulan Zhao (Managing Director of Huicai International)

    Mulan Zhao

    Managing Director of Huicai International

    Expert in development of leadership and DEI organizational culture. Council Member of China Association of Labor Economics, Distinguished Expert of American Institute of Management Accountants, Former Vice Chair of Human Resources Forum of European Chamber of Commerce.

    Mulan has some twenty years of experiences in leadership development and talent development in global companies, state-owned enterprises and NGOs. She delivers leadership programs in English and Chinese to diverse professional groups from UN organization, Fortune 500 companies, unicorns, doctoral and MBA programs. A wide range of industries served including public service, automobile, high-tech, internet, finance, medical care, energy, agriculture and architecture.

    Mulan holds a master's degree in psychology from Peking University. She is a certified lecturer of leadership and a leadership coach graduated from CTI. Translated eight best-selling leadership books: Leading at a Higher Level, CEO Test, Dual Transformation, Super Founders, The Empowered Manager, The Performance Management Playbook, Get Digital or Die Trying, Don't Believe Everything You Think.

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