Event Information

中国美国商会的会员企业高度重视北京市医疗产业的发展,大力支持医保改革。 我们相信,企业与政策制定者之间的沟通能够为未来政策的优化提供参考价值,从而更好地满足患者的实际临床需求和保障人民的健康福祉。



  • 活动地点:北京盈科中心WeWork 5B 会议室 (北京市朝阳区工人体育场北路甲2号盈科中心C座南侧528号5层)
  • 时间和日期:2024年6月27日星期四下午 2:00 - 5:00
  • 语言: 中文


  • 王曦,xwang@amchamchina.org
  • 林煜鸿,clin@amchamchina.org


  • 请使用贵公司的电子邮件地址进行注册。
  • 确认报名后,请将参会人的中文姓名和职务发送至活动联系人。
  • 不接受现场报名。

Member companies of AmCham China attach great importance to the development of Beijing's medical industry and strongly support the reform of healthcare security system. We believe that communication between enterprises and policymakers can provide reference value for the optimization of future policies, thereby better meeting the actual clinical needs of patients and protecting the health and well-being of the people.

Therefore, AmCham China will invite the Beijing Healthcare Security Administration to participate in a policy roundtable meeting on Jun 7th (Friday), and discuss important topics including the 2024 healthcare security workplan, the latest healthcare insurance policies, with our member companies . Considering the scale of the closed-door meeting, each member company is limited to two people, and seat priority is for HCP member companies.

Event details:

  • Location: 5B Meeting Room, Wework ( Floor 5, Building C, YingKe Center, Chaoyang District, Beijing, China, Chaoyang District, Beijing)
  • Time & Date: 14:00 - 17:00, Thursday, Jun 27
  • Language: Chinese


  • Edward Wang, xwang@amchamchina.org
  • Cheryl Lin, clin@amchamchina.org


  • Please make sure to register with your company email address.
  • After confirming your registration, please send the Chinese name and position of the participant to the event contact person.
  • Registration at the door is not accepted.




Beijing, Chaoyang District, China

If you have any questions please contact Xi Wang

Contact Organizer


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