Event Details

The event language will be in Chinese.


此次活动特邀美国麻省理工学院面试官Steven Hendryx先生亲临会场,教您如何选择适合孩子的大学,什么阶段出去留学比较合适,如何提前准备孩子的学习生涯,考取名校的远期规划及面试技巧。更有移民专家及房产专家在您投资教育的同时实现海外资产的增值保值。

American Universities rank among the best in the world and the admission process remains highly competitive for international applicants as space for international students is limited. Join us to learn how residential status can be used to help prospective students stand out among the competition and what other tactics can advantage applicants, especially given new policies from the Trump Administration.

Former Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) Admission Officer Steven Hendryx will share his expertise on how to best select US Universities to suit your children, what is the appropriate stage for studying abroad, how to plan student life in advance as well as the long-term planning for getting admitted by top universities and interview skills. We also invited an immigration expert and property expert to help you to share their expertise as it relates to students studying and living abroad in the US.


2:00 PM - 2:15 PM
2:15 PM - 3:15 PM
3:15 PM - 3:40 PM
3:40 PM - 4:00 PM


  • Steven Hendryx (面试官 at MIT麻省理工)

    Steven Hendryx

    面试官 at MIT麻省理工

    美国驻华大使馆前公使衔商务参赞Steven Hendryx先生毕业于美国麻省理工学院和哈佛大学,并获得斯坦福大学MBA学位。在十个不同的国家担任过执行官和顾问,具有超过四十年以上的管理经验,曾任职波士顿咨询公司和贝恩资本公司,期间与前美国总统参选人米特•罗姆尼共事8年。Hendryx先生在美国政商界拥有广泛的人脉,同时也是地产投资领域的资深专家,曾经作为美国驻华大使馆商务参赞在华工作长达5年,熟知中美两国商业环境与运作模式。

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  • 王青 (副总裁 at 亨瑞集团)


    副总裁 at 亨瑞集团


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  • 杜美娟 (海外置业顾问 at 亨瑞国际房产)


    海外置业顾问 at 亨瑞国际房产

    毕业于纽约州立大学宾汉姆顿分校,获MPA学位,在美国生活、学习、工作超过10年。曾任美国最大的华人报纸《侨报》(China Press)美东特派记者,报道美国地产趋势和置业分析,专访对象包括地产专家、企业家、知名会计师和房产经纪精英、当地政要等近百人,在美的华人读者受众超过万人。精通海外购置房产过程,从项目筛选到房产交易各个环节,为客户量身提供专业的资产配置指导;能够针对客户从投资物业到自住房产等不同需求,提供专业咨询和解决方案。

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