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Event Details

【AmCham China 针对此系列培训设有团体票及多次培训票的惊喜价格】

Please note that this training series will be conducted in Chinese.



本系列课程为Beijing DHH Law Firm(北京德和衡律师事务所​),一家潜心服务外商投资企业和上市公司的亚洲领先律所,为中国美国商会商会会员精心定制。2020年9月3日起,连续4周,由3位精通海关监管国际税务国际贸易的资深律师主讲,为会员们分享实践经验和真实案例。受众为公司业务涉及进出口业务及关税业务负责人,以及公司合规,法务,税务部门的从业者等。此系列培训皆为中文授课。

第三讲:转移定价税务局观点 VS 特殊关系交易的海关审价

时间:9月18日 2:00pm-4:00pm/主讲人:张振光律师、张妍律师


1. 差异化的角度看"特殊关系"价格影响的征税焦点、管理方式和调整方法

2. 平衡的角度看转让定价政策-集团制定的转让定价政策要综合考量海关和国内税法的影响

3. 贸易企业的销售链整合中海关和税务转让定价风险综合分析

4. 加工贸易企业的海关和转让定价调整方式的异同分析

5. 境内转让定价的合规要求VS海关审价的资料和合规要求

6. 境内转让定价调查VS 海关的价格调研和价格调整

7. 转让定价和海关审价的风险预防与建议

本次培训会在9月17日中午12点停止注册。活动链接会在成功注册以后,于周四 / 9月7日 下午4:30pm左右发送到您的邮箱。您可以点击邮件中的链接加入会议,活动平台为Microsoft Teams ,因此您需要稳定的网络环境连接到teams app或网页版。

  • 第四讲 海关稽查 VS 税务稽查—以特许权使用费为例
  • 时间:9月24日 2:00pm-4:00pm
  • 主讲人:张振光律师、张妍律师


1. 税务评估、检查和海关稽查程序

2. 财税、关务人员如何应对税务检查、海关稽查

3. 海关和税务局机关对特许权使用费应税判别的不同角度

4. 如何应对海关特许权使用费的稽查

5. 企业常见错报、漏报价格陷阱

6. 海关价格稽查的手段及证据构成详解

7. 企业如何提高合规管理降低稽查违规风险

8. 特许权使用费的典型案例分析1- 海关的特许权使用费审核

9. 特许权使用费典型案例分析2-技术服务中特许权使用费的陷井

本次培训会在9月23日中午12点停止注册。活动链接会在成功注册以后,于周四 / 9月23日 下午4:30pm左右发送到您的邮箱。您可以点击邮件中的链接加入会议,活动平台为Microsoft Teams ,因此您需要稳定的网络环境连接到teams app或网页版。


主讲人:林倩律师 / 时间:9月3日


1. 进出口商品归类争议的基本类型

2. 商品归类申报错误移交缉私部门处理的情形

3. 归类错误,移交缉私部门处理所依据的标准

4. 移交缉私部门处理的归类案件,是否可能不予行政处罚

5. 归类技术性差错及归类申报不实违规的本质区别

6. 归类错误的案件,海关责令企业补缴1年的税款、补缴3年的税款的标准

7. 发生归类争议,企业如何向海关陈述归类意见

8. 发生归类争议,企业如何请求归类复核

9. 归类纳税争议的法律救济途径

10. 归类行政处罚的法律救济途径

第二讲 热点聚焦:企业如何积极利用海关主动披露政策【已停止注册】

主讲人:林倩律师 / 时间:9月10日


1. 海关总署 161 号公告的深度解读

2. 企业如何决策是否向海关披露

3. 向海关主动披露的法律后果

4. 海关主动披露制度存在哪些缺陷有待完善

5. 企业主动披露的操作要点及典型案例分享

Sep 18 - 24, 2020GMT+8

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  • 张振光 先生 (高级顾问 at 北京德和衡律师事务所 Beijing DHH Law Firm)

    张振光 先生

    高级顾问 at 北京德和衡律师事务所 Beijing DHH Law Firm

    Read Bio
  • 张研 女士 (律师 at 北京德和衡律师事务所 Beijing DHH Law Firm)

    张研 女士

    律师 at 北京德和衡律师事务所 Beijing DHH Law Firm

    Read Bio

Cancellation Policy

If you cannot attend an event for which you have registered, please cancel your registration no later than FIVE business days prior to the event. If you fail to notify AmCham China of your cancellation in a timely fashion, you will forfeit the fee you have already paid.

To cancel please contact the AmCham China staff member ( responsible for organizing your event.


Bundle ticket for Member (Attend 2 out of 4 training sessions)

Get your exclusive discount and attend 2 out of 4 training sessions on Sept 3, Sept 10, Sept 18, and Sept 24.Please be noted that you must register and complete the payment before Sept 1, to gain this special discounted price.

RMB 750
Bundle ticket for Non-Member (Attend 2 out of 4 training sessions)

Get your exclusive discount and attend 2 out of 4 training sessions on Sept 3, Sept 10, Sept 18, and Sept 24.Please be noted that you must register and complete the payment before Sept 1, to gain this special discounted price.

RMB 1,000
Member Ticket: Series #3 on on September 18

This ticket is ONLY for attending training session #3 on September 18. Please register and pay before September 16.

RMB 400

This ticket is ONLY for attending training session #3 on September 18. Please register and pay before September 16.

RMB 550
Member Ticket: Series #4 on Sept 24

This ticket is ONLY for attending training session #4 on September 24. Please register and pay before September 22.

RMB 400
Non-Member Ticket: Series #4 on Sept 24

This ticket is ONLY for attending training session #4 on September 24. Please register and pay before September 22.

RMB 550
Non-Member Ticket: Series #1 on on September 3

This ticket is ONLY for attending training session #1 on September 3. Please register and pay before September 1.

RMB 550
Member Ticket: Series #2 on on September 10

This ticket is ONLY for attending training session #2 on September 10. Please register and pay before September 7.

RMB 400
Non-Member Ticket: Series #2 on on September 10

This ticket is ONLY for attending training session #2 on September 10. Please register and pay before September 7.

RMB 550
Bundle ticket for Members (Attend ALL Four training sessions)

Get your exclusive discount and attend all training sessions on Sept 3, Sept 10, Sept 18, and Sept 24.Please be noted that you must register and complete the payment before Sept 1, to gain this special discounted price.

RMB 1,350
Member Ticket: Series #1 on on September 3

This ticket is ONLY for attending training session #1 on September 3. Please register and pay before September 1.

RMB 400
Bundle ticket for Non-Member (Attend ALL Four training sessions)

Get your exclusive discount and attend all training sessions on Sept 3, Sept 10, Sept 18, and Sept 24.Please be noted that you must register and complete the payment before Sept 1, to gain this special discounted price.

RMB 1,850