"Six Thinking Hats" and the associated idea parallel thinking provide a means for groups to plan thinking processes in a detailed and cohesive way, and in doing so to think together more effectively.
After you learn the skills behind The Six Thinking Hats system, you will:
• Hold critical meetings without emotions or egos making bad decisions
• Avoid the easy but mediocre decisions by knowing how to dig deeper
• Reduce conflicts at work and in private life
• Increase productivity and, even more important, be more effective
• Make creative solutions the norm
• Maximize and organize each person's thoughts and ideas
• Get to the right solution quickly and with a shared vision
• Increase the quality of your thinking, become a better manager
• It may even make you a happier person
If you would like to improve the quality of meetings, interdepartmental communication and cooperation skills, as well as inspire employees by improving their ability to analyze and solve problems, this course is for you!