[Tianjin] Spring Treasure Hunt and St. Patrick's Day Brunch
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Early- Bird Corporate Team
1. Each team has a 4 person limit, including buffet lunch at Smoki & Co. 2. Company logo or team name will be displayed on the main event posters, invitations and backdrops on the day 3. Each participant will get a group photo after the event
Early Bird Price
Corporate team (inclusive of LOGO exposure)
1. Each team has a 4 person limit, including buffet lunch at Smoki & Co. 2. Company logo or team name will be displayed on the main event posters, invitations and backdrops on the day 3. Each participant will get a group photo after the event
Standard Price
1. Ticket price includes buffet lunch at Smoki & Co. 2. Kids 6 years above can participate in the game, same price as adults. 3. AmCham China, Tianjin will form teams for individual ticket buyers.
Standard Price
Lunch only
1. Buffet lunch at Smoki & Co. for those who don't participate in the competition but only have lunch. 2. Same price for kids 6+.