
The American Chamber of Commerce Northeast Chapter in cooperation with the US Consulate Shenyang invites you to attend the seminar conducted by the US Consular Officers on how to apply for a B1/B2 Business and Tourism Visa. Information on the visa application process, the requirements for receiving the visa, and information on how the visa can be used will be explained. The seminar will be followed by a Q&A session and a reception with High Tea Buffet will be provided.

To RSVP, please contact Celine Liu at celine.liu@amchamchina.org no later than 27th June, 5PM.

中国美国商会东北分会携手美国驻沈阳总领事馆, 并很荣幸邀请到美领馆签证处签证官, 为您讲解关于如何申请赴美商务签证及旅游签证. 说明会上签证官将为您讲解关于签证申请程序, 签证获取要求, 以及签证如何使用等信息. 问答环节以及交流活动将安排在说明会之后. 不要错过这个与美领馆签证官面对面交流, 并为您解答申请赴美签证的种种疑问的机会!

报名请在6月27日下午5点前, 发送邮件到Celine Liu: celine.liu@amchamchina.org


14:30 - 15:00
Registration/ 入场注册
15:00 - 15:10
Opening Remarks/ 开场讲话
15:10 - 16:00
Presentation by the US Consular Officers/ 美领馆签证处签证官就申请签证事宜进行说明
16:00 - 17:30
Q&A and Networking (High Tea Buffet will be provided)/ 问答环节以及交流时间 (提供下午茶自助)


Card-holder-Members 持卡会员
标准价格 人民币 120
现场票价 人民币 150
Employees of Member Companies|会员公司员工
标准价格 人民币 150
现场票价 人民币 180
标准价格 人民币 200
现场票价 人民币 300